Thursday, May 16, 2024

Some Thoughts on Yesterday's Sweet Moment and More...

Photo by Molly
"Everything we think, feel, and do has an effect
on our ancestors and all future generations
and reverberates throughout the Universe.
Therefore, our smile helps everyone."
— Thích Nhất Hạnh

There are so many huge changes and profound benefits — subtle and obvious, large and small, tender and sweet — that I experience on this path of heart that I've now long been rooted in. These sacred blessings continue to grow and evolve and deepen with each year that I am alive.

And sometimes I find them in the simplest of moments.

Like yesterday at the carwash. The handsome young black man who took my $10 was slender and had short dreads. He also had a most lovely smile. When our eyes locked into one another's and I returned his bright smile with my own, his smile widened as he said, "I like your style." I responded, "And I like your style." For another couple of moments we just smiled at each other. Such a precious gift, this heartfelt connecting with another human being. This Namaste moment. 

As I've come to recognize, embrace, heal, and transform the ways that I had experienced separation from within myself and with all others — as I've been increasingly unburdened from carrying the weight of deep ancestral and cultural pain and trauma — I'm freed to experience more and more of the sacred, the beauty, and the sweetness of life. 

Today my gratitude overflows with how amazing the shifts in conscious awareness are as the old patterns of repression, denial, trauma triggers, and shame continue to slip away and lose their grip on my life. Today I am blessed with embracing more and more of life as it is without the old judgments and fears and trauma that once plagued me. I get to feel and hold with compassion both the joys and the sorrows of what it is to be human.

Connecting with the heart of who I most deeply am empowers me to transform generations of trauma and loss and disconnection into an endless stream of healing and resilience, preciousness and gratitude, wonder and wisdom, and beauty and love. Because today I can recognize the sacredness within you and within us all. Because now I can love. And love is always the greatest medicine.

Bless us all on our human journeys,

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