Saturday, June 29, 2024

Something My Husband Wrote in the Aftermath of the Presidential Debate

I am moved to share Ron's words that he wrote 
the morning after the debate. Spot on.
There is an opportunity at hand.
May we seize it.
— Molly

I am terrified, and sick at heart this morning. Biden showed himself to be clearly impaired, frail and not up to the job, whereas Trump's ignorance, lack of intelligence, viciousness, and lack of any qualification for the job is a PLUS for his supporters and all the neo-fascists waiting to use this useful idiot to methodically destroy what little democracy we have left (learn about Project 2025).

To continue to support Biden at this point is madness. Biden, and all Democrats in Congress must face the reality we all watched for 90 excruciating minutes last night, and speak the truth, and for the good of the country step aside and put forward a capable candidate that will satisfy no one completely but give everyone despairing over this absurd “choice” thrust on us, something to fight for.

To do so would make Biden a hero in my eyes. After all his years of service (and I’m very much aware of the shameful actions too), this would be his final, and most courageous act of patriotism.

Ron Matela

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