Wednesday, May 21, 2008

All Fired Up!?!!*

Fired up greetings!

(*I dedicate this post to my son, Matt - his youth, passion, courage, integrity, vision, wisdom, hope, and heart...)

Matt called me at work today - something he doesn't normally do -- all fired up. He asked, "Have you seen Obama's speech in Iowa?" When I said I hadn't, Matt went on to share that "Lisa (his girlfriend) is working tonight. Let's watch it tonight when you get home. It's legendary!"

I understand my son's excitement. I get it. However, I didn't initially... and with good reason! I am aware of the Big Money that is buying up our nation, other nations, and any unsuspecting citizen who either isn't paying attention or is so immersed in distractions or survival that there is no energy left over to know what is at stake or how to take a stand for what truly matters to us all - clean air to breathe and water to drink, healthcare and jobs, an end to the war profiteering that does not care about the death of our children or anyone else's, etc., etc.

I knew that I needed to remember the words of the great historian Jacob Burckhardt to "beware the terrible simplifiers." I knew that deep discernment, possessing a high level of awareness and information, questioning and questioning again and again along the way, listening - listening with my mind AND with my heart - to the candidates and also to those mentors and teachers whose wisdom I trust, following the money trail, digging and digging, sorting and sifting, and coming back to listening and truly hearing - I felt that all this and more would be required of me to discern who - if anyone - was not bought.

So I listened, and listened deeply, for that person who walked the high ground and would refuse to sell out, refuse to stoop to feeding polarities and divisiveness, refuse to be distracted by the pettiness and immaturity that fill so many of the airwaves, television screens, newspaper stands. I watched for that person who refused to be pulled away from higher needs, issues, values, and visions. I looked for someone who would stand firm - FIRM! - in the values of integrity and truth. I also listened deeply for someone who would most emanate a blending of masculine and - what I believe to be - deeply, deeply needed feminine energy and wisdom. I listened for that person who would be most likely to truly walk the courageous and powerful path of the visionary, the peacemaker, the builder of bridges.

In the midst of all these ideals, and very importantly, I also prayed for a human being who was not afraid of humility; someone who knew how to be self-reflective and who was strong enough to own and learn from mistakes. How deeply we need in a leader someone who is able to role model the messiness and, yes, the value of imperfection and the openness to learning that such awareness generates. As author storyteller Michael Meade writes, "In this world, and especially when things rattle and become uncertain, it's best to be an 'imperfectionist'."

Could there be such a person who as a leader would be clear and secure enough within themselves to understand that she/he would need to invite all of us to join together with her or with him to bring about the kind of change that America - and beyond! - so critically needs at this time? I prayed for the possibility of a leader who would lead in such a way as to invite, encourage and support, paradoxically, change from the bottom up. Someone who would hold anyone - no matter their title or position, all of the way up to Mr. Bush - accountable for crimes against our nation and humanity, who was not afraid to talk about the truth of what's been happening AND take corrective action! - the shredding of the Constitution, violating the Geneva Conventions, throwing out Habeas Corpus, secret prisons, torture, extraordinary rendition, pre-emptive war, illegal wiretapping, the reckless depletion of the environment, the relentless propaganda that preys on fears and prejudices and turns us against one another, denial of global warming while actively blocking the development of alternative energy resources, all the war profiteering and corporate welfare and shipping jobs overseas while lining the pockets of the wealthiest top 1%. And on and on and on.

Would there possibly be someone who might even come a tiny bit close to even a partial wish list?

And then I did what I knew I needed to do - I spent a great deal of time and energy listening, seeking and exploring, digging and discerning. I followed those money trails. I looked into candidates histories and visions - past to present. I contrasted words with reality, promises with actual follow through, professed values with values grounded in that of someone who unmistakably walks their talk. And, all I'll say at this point, is that - in my opinion - my son is right in what he sees in Barack Obama. And he has been from the very start.

Which brings me to affirm my experience and awareness that part of the sickness that sucks at the lifeforce of our nation and its people has been this deepening disrespect and disregard - and even more so in recent decades - of our youth and our elders. There are many reasons why so many of our youth have grown sick - apathetic, angry, addicted, uninformed, unconscious, distracted, disengaged, depressed, lost. And there is a reason today why so many of our youth are so drawn to Barack Obama. And it is important, I believe, for all of us who are older to listen to the voices of our youth and to take them seriously. To listen - and listen with our hearts. Like the visions of true Elders, the voices of youth - especially those who work at being conscious and keeping their hearts open - reflect deep intuition and wisdom. They are speaking strongly, clearly, and in phenomenally growing numbers now to all who will listen. Will we listen? What do we hear?

And so Matt grabbed me right off the bat as I was walking in the door tonight - "It's half-time and we just have a few minutes. Come watch it now. It's legendary!... I watched it three times today and it just about brought me to tears." (Yes, my 21 year old son said this. A few weeks ago, he also told me that he would be "heartbroken" if Obama does not win. Matt's heart is open...) As we sat down in front of the computer, my son went on to say that he posted this speech on his MySpace. That's where we watched Obama's speech - posted on my son's MySpace...

Meanwhile, it had been just three days earlier when I felt as though I was immersed in a legendary experience. Indeed, as my son Brian relates, "You had an epic weekend, Mom." Indeed I did. It all began with that phenomenal life-changing experience at the First Baptist Church Friday night and ended with being just feet away from Barack Obama as he gave his Spirit-filled speech on that beautiful day down at Waterfront Park in Portland. It was so amazing to be surrounded by the energy of 75,000 people - so exhausting, energizing, inspiring, and more. Talk about connection and community and bridge building - this was the most diverse crowd of people I have EVER seen gathered together in Portland. And then there was Barack... What an amazing experience! So worth the seven hour wait that Ken and I had to land ourselves right up front like we did...

Here is a glimpse into our experience on Sunday:

Here is what I watched together with my son tonight that Matt has on his MySpace:

My young 21 year old son is talking with me increasingly about these being "legendary times". And this is someone who up until recently, because he is deeply informed and has an open heart and truly knows the challenges that humanity is currently faced with, struggled with despair about the fate of humankind and all life on Earth. I would try quotes such as that "it's important to not become part of the cult of powerlessness", or reminders of how Matt is needed and how important he is to help affect change, etc., but Matt's pessimism often persisted. But now I hear - literally one second ago - "Isn't that an incredible speech?!" And as Matt is walking around our home, along with his beautiful smile, he keeps off and on tossing at me - "Yes We Can!" He exclaims to me that he's "so excited to be alive!" and "Yes we can, America! and "I'm so fired up!"

Then - after a while of this tonight - he asks me, his mother, the question that I'll also leave each of you with -- "Are you all fired up?!?" And if you are, what does that look like for you...?

Tag, you're it...
We're all it...


Blessed are the peacemakers ~ Jesus

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