Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Henry A. Giroux: A Problem As Serious As Any We Have Ever Faced

I just cannot express how much I respect, see, and appreciate the courage, integrity, intelligence, and great heart of Henry Giroux. His work is a gift to us all. May he inspire us to grow more courageous, more whole, more aware and passionate about working together toward a more sane and humane world. Peace ~ Molly

"The new illiteracy is about more than not knowing how to read the book or the word; it is about not knowing how to read the world. The challenge it poses in a democracy is one of both learning how to reclaim literacy so as to be able to narrate oneself and the world from a position of agency. But it is also about unlearning those modes of learning that internalize modes of ignorance based on the concerted refusal to know, be self-reflective and act with principled dignity. It is a problem as serious as any we have ever faced in the United States. At the core of any viable democratic politics is the ability to question the assumptions central to an imagined democracy. This is not merely a political issue but an educational issue, one that points to the need for modes of civic education that provide the knowledge and competencies for young and old alike to raise important questions about what education and literacy itself should accomplish in a democracy. This is not an issue we can ignore too much longer."


Henry A. Giroux said...

Thank you, Molly. Very kind and generous. Henry Giroux

Molly Strong said...

Thank you, Henry. You are among my heroes. Bless you.