Deep bow of gratitude and respect to Henry Giroux. I will always be eternally grateful for the courageous truth-tellers, wisdom-keepers, intellectuals and visionaries, authors and activists, artists and poets, and others among us who continue to shine bright light on where we urgently all need to be looking... inviting us again and again to be informed, inspired, and to act out of the consciousness of a highest good for us all. Indeed, "the stakes have never been higher, and the failure to challenge the collapse of the U.S. into the blight of fascism is no longer an option." — Molly

Before even taking office, we are witnessing a madman conjuring up the grotesque vision of what he once called the dreams of a "unified Reich." The shock lies not merely in Trump's delusions of grandeur, his outright denial of reason and truth, or his sycophantic worship of billionaires, bought judges, despots, and their machinery of wealth and violence. The real outrage is the staggering cowardice, corruption, and complicity of the press, politicians, and pundits—people who must, at some level, recognize that they are enabling a sinister revival of the worst horrors of history: echoes of the Third Reich, Pinochet’s Chile, Putin’s Russia, and beyond.
As they drone on with hollow platitudes and cosmetic reporting, the world burns, children are slaughtered in Gaza, the threat of nuclear war increases, fascism spreads like wild-fire across the globe. Trump's talk of military invasions barely registers, and the looming nightmare of millions of immigrants being herded into prison camps is treated as routine—a horrifying symptom of democracy’s collapse and the abandonment of civic responsibility that began decades ago.
Silence, civic illiteracy, the embrace of ruthless dictatorships, and the rise of algorithmic authoritarianism are driving us into a moral abyss. These forces reinforce the intellectual infantilism and mass depoliticization wrought by neoliberalism’s arsenal of destruction—its powerful disimagination machines and fascist teaching apparatuses. Truth has become the enemy of politics and everyday life, historical consciousness is branded subversive, and any critique of engineered conformity is treated as treason.
With Trump’s election, we are witnessing the systematic construction of what can only be described as the totalitarian subject—a product of the calculated dismantling of institutions that once served the common good and their replacement with cultural, economic, and pedagogical institutions designed to uphold authoritarian rule. This is no time for passive despair or complacency. The horror must be named, confronted, and transformed into a collective force of resistance. The march toward authoritarian ruin must be stopped, and this requires a radical, uncompromising strategy.
We must revive the general strike on national and international levels, disrupt the machinery of militarization, and dismantle the networks of domestic terrorism that thrive in this climate. The stakes are existential. Silence is complicity, and inaction is surrender. The stakes have never been higher, and the failure to challenge the collapse of the U.S. into the blight of fascism is no longer an option.
— Henry Giroux
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