Saturday, January 4, 2025

Chelan Harkin: SIN



Speak to us of sin. And the Prophetess spoke,

Of all the false names for God, start by throwing out "Judge." God has no podium, no gavel. She longs to celebrate you, to sing to you, to kiss you awake. The structure She wants for our lives is that which will support our growing happiness, more a trellis than a hard, restricting set of laws.

To sin, essentially, means to not drink in as much light as you possibly could have.

The straight and narrow? That notion must go. This life is an ever-widening unfoldment of your luminosity. It is time to step outside the bounds of the linear march towards salvation and begin to see God as a dancing spiral that encompasses all creation.

I am not suggesting moral anarchy. I am telling you we need to move from a harsh, judgment-based, ideological morality to an authentic morality that recognizes we are animated by Life's natural goodness. I am telling you that there is innocence at the root of our missteps — Not an innocence that bypasses accountability but an essential innocence, the recognition of which makes us brave enough to be accountable. I am telling you that institutional models of fear and shame perpetuate sin, and that sin comes from pain that hasn't been able to find belonging.

That said, if you think that the Eccentric God who made the octopus is going to judge you for your sins, I'm afraid you've missed the mark. If you think this Wild God who spins galaxies as a pastime cares to get fussy about your mistakes or has ever made anything that wasn't born essentially luminous, you might need to repent. If you can't yet admit how lovable and infinitely worthy the fullness of your human nature is and if you think God wants to do anything but perpetually pour an abundance of love gifts upon you, well, my dear, your soul just might need to go to confession.

Sin is a distorted expression that reflects disconnect from the truth of our essential beauty. Most often it is not punishment that needs to be administered so much as the beauty of our reality to be attuned to and affirmed.

To sin is to act incongruously with the wild grace of love. But there is no condemnation in that. This love doesn't abandon us with her scorn. Love is incapable of such things. We do, however, experience the natural suffering of dissonance then living outside of the harmonious, interconnected eco-system of Life. This pain yearns not to punish Nothing about Life is punitive — but to provide feedback that can aid us in reassuring our motivations that we might come closer to nourishing, sustainable relationship with existence.

Judgment is a crude, old-fashioned tool. Attraction to the beauty we might experience and contribute through harmonious relationship with ourself and our world is the paradigm that needs to be nurtured.

Sin is not a condemnation of character or any kind of lasting black mark. It comes from the misperception of experiencing yourself as being separate from love and acting out that pain of that.

The worst thing we ever did is put God in the sky, out of reach, pulling the divinity from the leaf, sifting out the holy from our bones, insisting God isn't bursting dazzlement through everything we've made a hard commitment to see as ordinary. The worst thing we ever did is strip the sacred from everywhere to put in a cloud-man elsewhere, prying closeness from your heart.

The worst thing we ever did is take the dance and the song out of prayer, made it sit up straight and cross its legs. We removed it of rejoicing, wiped clean its hip sway, its questions, its ecstatic yowl, its tears.

The worst thing we ever did is pretend God isn't the easiest thing in this Universe, available to every soul, in every breath.

— Chelan Harkin
Excerpted from The Prophetess:
The Return of The Prophet from The Voice
of The Divine Feminine

I love Chelan Harkin. And I have
all of her beautiful and amazing books.
Such a priceless gift! 💗🙏 Molly

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