Sunday, December 7, 2008

This Brave Nation

This Brave Nation is a unique video collaboration between The Nation, America's oldest weekly magazine, and Brave New Foundation, one of the country's newest multi-media producers. The series consists of six video dialogues between two well-known figures featuring charged conversations about loves, lives, politics and history. Each conversation is both a five-minute viral video and a 30-minute mini documentary.

The shows features: Pete Seeger, Dolores Huerta, Majora Carter, Tom Hayden, Naomi Klein, Anthony Romero, Carl Pope, Ava Lowery, Bonnie Raitt and Van Jones.

Please go here for more information and to view any or all of these amazing conversations: Many courageous, hopeful, heartfelt, and extraordinary things are happening in our world and in response to the enormous challenges which face humankind and all life on Earth.

Peace & Gratitude & Blessings,


Just take what you love doing, and
do it with enough people to make it the future."
- Carl Pope, Sierra Club's Executive Director

"Another Dopeless Hope Fiend"
- my exceptionally brave, funny, and big-hearted friend
Dave's button that he wore yesterday as
countless others came to celebrate his birthday and his life,
and who even with pancreatic cancer, is able to
maintain vision of a larger picture and more loving world.
What a role model for us all.
Thanks, Dave!

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