Sunday, October 6, 2024

Chelan Harkin: Truth

Chelan Harkin's latest book just recently 
arrived. Powerful. A heartfelt and 
soulful gift to us all. 💗 Molly
Excerpts from the Chapter "Truth"
from Chelan Harkin's latest book
The Prophetess: The Return of The Prophet
from The Voice of the Divine Feminine

There are worn out social conventions that desperately need to be destroyed by whatever truth is in your heart...

Truth is a sacred interruption of conditioned blindness. It empowers everyone and enables no one...

We are all healers and creators by being our truest selves. Unspoken truth is at the base of all our relational pain. Unspoken truth is at the base of all worn-out patterns we would rather maintain than transform...

Truth is the supreme liberator. And what liberates one supports the liberation of all. To liberate means to free our hearts from the limited bondage of conditional love. What is unspoken within us contains us.

Cultivate a thirst for truth that nothing else can shake. In alignment with our truth, the reeds of our destiny quiver with the music of the cosmos. The path of truth is our redemption, our renaissance, our resurrection, and our remaking. It clarifies our essence...

While truth can bring the discomfort of shaking you out of the comfortable narcotic of falsity, truth never harms.

Truth restores us with the most personal and universal  intimacy with our essence. Walk with truth and let others be invited to deepen themselves in their reception of you.

We all need to take the sword of truth from its sheath of silence. It is time to slay illusion, not with violence but with the blade of clarity, of discernment. Truth germinates our reality to break through the hard seed of our conditioning, it calls forth our potential. If love is the beauty of the flower, truth is the boldness that brings it to continuously reveal more of itself.

 Chelan Harkin

Such a joy to know Chelan. And to now have all of her books. 💜

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