Sunday, June 16, 2024

An Excellent Interview With Richard Schwartz: How the Fragmented Self Becomes Whole Through IFS

This is an excellent interview from four years ago with Richard Schwartz. I am continuing to be moved to share about IFS (Internal Family Systems) because of the suffering, addictions, losses, and trauma that I have witnessed and experienced within myself, my family, other loved ones, and in this beautiful hurting world that we all share. Here it is illuminated a vital missing link that was lacking for so many years on my own journey of 40 years of sobriety, healing, awakening, and transformation. 

As the perspectives, models, wisdom, and treatments for addictions, depression, anxiety, illness, and the many faces of trauma are evolving, there is great hope for us all. The implications here of learning how to be more deeply Self-led  conscious and grounded, compassionate and loving, courageous and wise  are also not confined to individuals and families, but rather for our culture and world. 

I hope that you will consider watching and sharing this video and exploring other resources of support which hold IFS as part of how human suffering and trauma can be deeply held, understood, healed, and transformed. I envision a world where more and more of us as human beings will increasingly inhabit our Self, our Buddha nature, the love of Christ, or however we experience the core of our Sacred essence. 

It is my belief that there is so much potential for humanity and for all that we love and care about. Another world is possible beginning with our own inner worlds. May we grow in our capacity to experience and bring love, healing, joy, compassion, and peace to ourselves and to all of our earthly sisters and brothers.

Bless us all on our journeys,

How the Fragmented Self Becomes
Whole Through IFS

Speakers: Dr. Richard Schwartz, Keith Kurlander, Dr. Will Van Derveer

Inside each of us there always is a raging battle for control and security between parts of ourselves that oftentimes we simply neglect. Unbeknownst to us, the results bring significant impacts to our state of mental health. But what if we could get them to agree with one another? What if we could bring peace to the fragmented aspects of our Self?

In today’s very exciting episode, we are honored to be joined by the highly renowned founder of Internal Family Systems (IFS), Dr. Richard Schwartz and together we answer these very interesting questions and unlock the wholeness that we so need. Join us and learn how we can apply these effective principles and concepts of IFS in our everyday lives.

03:02 Discovering the parts of the Self

11:56 Understanding the parts of the Self and how it can lead to trauma

15:17 The exiled parts: Fragmented aspects of the Self

19:24 Digging deeper: Taking a closer look at the nature of the Self

21:40 The fluidity of personality and the Self

23:30 Manifestations of the Self

25:23 Impacts of the IFS model in psychotherapy

28:23 Indigenous ritualistic views of the Self

30:52 The fragmented Self: Multiple personality

33:42 Learning to apply IFS through COVID

43:38 Helpful meditation practices"

To learn more about Dr. Dick Schwartz visit

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