Thursday, August 22, 2024

Chelan Harkin: When Allowed, We Humans Are Infinitely Loving and Tender

 Wow!!! So powerfully said, Chelan!
Thank you! 🙏💜

I cry like this. Pretty regularly. Yup! And I like it. To cry like this is to be in devotion to the fullness of truth, to clear out the passageway for God to enter this world through the dilated heart. Before I learned the bravery of opening my tears, I was walking this life as one dead. Tears like this are the alchemy of the limited into the limitless, of fear into authentic love.
We are not alive to be cool as defined by the wretchedly inhumane, stiff and joyless patriarchy. Sorry tough guys, your tough exterior is repressed pain and the human being is infinitely loving and tender and when we allow that, infinitely powerful.
Well done, Gus Walz. You’re a heart leader, my friend. Gone with stoic façade that’s done this world not a lick of good. You are feeling and expressing what unfelt and unexpressed creates addiction, cruelty, idiocy and all the madness your awesome dad is doing his brave part to lead our damaged country out of. Bravo, powerful young man! I will proudly show my son this video of you as an example of strength and courage. I stand with you.

💗 Chelan Harkin

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