Thursday, July 6, 2023

Chelan Harkin: Love Is the Sherpa

Love Is the Sherpa

Love is the sherpa,
the shaman,
that allows us to move through
any violence we’ve expressed
into a softer way in ourselves.
Violence is not just the destruction
of outward things.
It is the corrosion that comes
from judgement,
from self-rejection, from blame,
from dishonesty,
from hostility, from resentment.
The good news, the glorious news,
is that these are not ultimates.
We no longer need to maintain
a mote of shame
around our tower of pain.
Love, that gentle guide,
that knows how to navigate
through any fire
can take the hand
of any hatred you’ve held
in yourself
and lead you
to the magnificent land
of its undoing
that is your freedom,
your compassionate understanding,
your self-forgiveness.

— Chelan Harkin


Art: Ted Chin
Image shared from The Cosmic Dancer

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