Thursday, July 6, 2023

Chelan Harkin: I Love Calling God "She"

Photo by Molly

I Love Calling God "She"

I love calling God “She” and watching some men and some women alike fidget with discomfort about how uncomfortable they are with femininity and authority being linked. A litmus test for misogyny—pray to Her! And see how that feels, what that brings up. Misogyny, at the root, is repressing and shaming the most beautiful, powerful and potentially liberated parts of your own self. Misogyny, at its root, is favoring the comforts of control of partial, limited or falsified expression over authentic connection. It has to do with the rejection of our vulnerability. It has to do with favoring domination over honest opening. It has to do with wanting to appear strong by old, worn-out definitions by maintaining inner confines that are still believed to leverage some kind of benefit rather than moving through an honest, humble, loving and truly connected process of laying those burdens down for a more whole way.

— Chelan Harkin

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