Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Since 1989, The Top 1% Gained $21T In Wealth. The Bottom 50% Lost $900B.

The domination ideology rooted in patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalism does NOT work! The whole system must go! Bernie Sanders our our movements for radical systemic changes are taking on the .1% because we understand that economic, racial, social, and environmental justice and sustaining a livable planet is dependent on dismantling these systems of suffering, greed, and death. This goal of returning our government to the people rather than sustaining the status quo that only serves the most powerful is why there is such enormous pushback — by the corporate funded mainstream media, by corporate democrats and corporate republicans who are vested in doing the bidding of their wealthy donor friends, by enormous special interests connected with Wall Street, the military industrial complex, the fossil fuel industry, the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, the prison industrial complex, etc., etc. — against Sanders and the millions of us who are fighting together for this urgently needed transformation of ourselves, our nation, and the world. We are demanding an end to that which destroys life and the creation of whole new systems which are grounded in the highest values of protection and care and love of all life. — Molly

By William James

Data recently released by the Federal Reserve has shown inequality has greatly worsened since 1989. 

A data series recently released by the Federal Reserve has shown that over the past 30 years the top one percent of Americans have gained $21 trillion in assets while the bottom 50% have lost $900 billion.

Matt Bruenig, founder of the left-leaning think tank People’s Policy Project, asserted that the bottom 50%’s loss of wealth has left them mired in debt, according to an article from Common Dreams. 

“The top one percent owns nearly $30 trillion of assets while the bottom half owns less than nothing, meaning they have more debts than they have assets,” said Bruenig.  

Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash), co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, was dismayed at findings presented from the “Distributive Financial Accounts” data series.

“We have the worst inequality in this country since the 1920s…Three wealthiest people in America have as much wealth as the bottom 50 percent,” said Jayapal.

Please continue this article here: https://mavenroundtable.io/theintellectualist/economics/since-1989-the-top-1-gained-21t-in-wealth-the-bottom-50-lost-900b-xiP2FTY21EuQJ8RNaxG2tA   

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