Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Latinx Group Mijente's First-Ever Presidential Endorsement: Bernie Sanders

This is such wonderful news. More and more are recognizing the integrity, truth, and values of Bernie Sanders and our political movements and spiritual revolution which is rooted in inclusivity, interconnection, compassion, and love. We’re all sisters and brothers, all in this together.
So, no, we don’t want to go backwards to some illusion of a positive past where in reality there were always people left behind and discriminated against, where there were endless wars and growing poverty and inequality, where the Earth and humans and nonhumans were being killed and poisoned for profit, and where the root ideology of our government and our culture was one of domination, greed, and violence. No, we don’t want to go back.
We are instead committed to going forward, to caring for ourselves and each other and all life, to where our values and the stories we live by reflect partnership and love and an evolutionary leap into our highest capacity as human beings for consciousness, wholeness, and acting to protect and nourish life.
Just imagine this New World. Just imagine. Now let’s make it happen! — Molly

We need a president who will fight like hell for change that is long overdue and who will not quickly return to pre-Trump, quasi-progressive policies.

Progressive Latinx group Mijente on Tuesday announced its first ever presidential endorsement, for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, just days before Nevadans caucus in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary on Saturday.

"Something that's very appealing to people is his consistency and the concept of palabra," Mijente's director and cofounder Marisa Franco told Politico. "And what that means in our community is giving people your 'word.'"

Sanders took to Twitter to thank the group for backing the campaign, calling the endorsement an "honor."

"Together we will build a multiracial, multigenerational movement to sweep him out of office and transform this country so it works for all," said Sanders.

The decision was based on the need for radical action to address the problems of the Trump era, said Mijente in its official statement announcing the endorsement.
As the group explained:
We need urgent change on a whole host of issues—climate change, deportations, education, health care. To get that change, first things first, we gotta get Donald Trump out and make him a one term president. We need a candidate who can assemble a vibrant, diverse coalition that presents a clear alternative. Today it's official—we believe that candidate is Senator Bernie Sanders.
Mijente, founded in December 2015, focuses on get-out-the-vote efforts among Latinx and Chicanx Americans. The group declined to back a candidate in 2016 but decided to support Sanders in the 2020 primary because of his consistent efforts to promote the interests of the working class. 

"Sen. Bernie Sanders has a long history of progressive stances and consistently remains on the side of working people," the group tweeted Tuesday morning. 

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