Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Reflections On Lowering Our Tolerance For All Forms of Misogyny and Violence

Thank you to my friend Brian Lacy for this one. Regardless of the exact numbers, there is an undeniable pattern of misogyny —patterns of violence, entitlement, oppression, disrespect, harassment, assault, and more directed at women — by too many men who are in positions of power. 

One more time this illuminates our long overdue need to take this seriously, to see and not minimize or deny what is happening, and to lower our tolerance for all forms of misogyny and violence. 

The image above has many layers and is about much more than highlighting the integrity of Bernie Sanders and the pervasive lack of integrity, and on so many levels, of those Sanders is running against. This is also about making the clear choice to unite and stand in our absolute condemnation of the ways in which our culture has normalized the devaluation and dehumanization of women and truly of anyone. 

And this is what we all need to unite around — putting principles before personalities and refusing to be complicit with the many ways in which the ideology of domination manifests itself in American culture and worldwide. 

Let’s refuse to put or maintain people in positions of power whose values are not aligned with ours. Let’s live in the authenticity of our highest consciousness and the commitment to social, racial, economic, and environmental justice for all. — Molly

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