Sunday, July 21, 2019

'This Man Can Beat Trump': Sanders Viewed Most Favorably of 2020 Democratic Candidates

There is a reason why Bernie Sanders tops the charts, and that the American mainstream corporate media tells us the opposite and, more often than not, that the corporate media is continuing with its blackout related to Sanders, his agenda, how it will be implemented, and how there is a massive movement nationally and internationally which support Bernie Sanders. He is the only candidate who is taking on the enormously powerful structure of the late stage neoliberal free market capitalist system that has long been destroying our nation and the planet. There are many who understand this and that’s why Bernie Sanders is so popular in America and worldwide.
The elites are terrified of this threat of, much more than Bernie Sanders alone, but of the people rising up to demand the dismantling of the 1% controls over our nation and the Earth. So they are waging all out war on Sanders, as they did 4 years ago. Because no one has been fighting the forces that destroy life rather than protect it as long as Bernie Sanders has been. And no one else is building the massive national and global movements to take on the power of the most powerful like Bernie Sanders is. What is happening is extraordinary.
It also needs to be understood that this determination to crush Sanders also existed within the corporate DNC. Which is why there is such an enormous struggle occurring now within the party between the corporate Democrats and authentic progressives. All who have ties politically in both major parties and in the mainstream media with the enormous corporate structures — connected with Wall Street, the fossil fuel industry, the military industrial complex, the pharmaceutical and insurance industries, the prison industrial complex, the animal agricultural industry, and other huge financial interests — fought fiercely to take Bernie Sanders down four years ago, as they are today. This is because what is happening is so much bigger than Bernie Sanders alone. As with Martin Luther King, Jr. who vigorously took on the military industrial complex, Wall Street, and more, Bernie Sanders also represents the end of the status quo and the American Empire AND the birthing of a very different world.
Consequently, there are enormous forces which are fiercely working in every way possible to stop Bernie Sanders and the ever growing national and global movements that are fighting for the radical changes necessary in order to save ourselves and have a shot at saving the planet. But if we are only turning to the mainstream corporate media, we won’t be informed about any of this. I did a related piece on the betrayal of the corporate media here:
Our greatest threat is not Russia or Trump or any other narrative that divides us into Democrats vs Republicans. Our greatest threat is a misinformed and propagandized American populace. I say this with the humility of someone who had been deeply indoctrinated and asleep myself. It’s so important that we Americans understand this — that we are a highly propagandized people. This awareness strikes at the heart of the epidemic of disempowerment in our nation. It provides us with a doorway into awakening from our polarization, indoctrination, ignorance, and illusions. Truth and Love and Grace and Wisdom are incredibly powerful forces.
The forces of the 1% are also great and terrifying, especially when they’re able to propagandize us into joining them in taking down all who represent a significant threat to their power. And especially given the climate and ecological crises which threaten us with the extinction of most life on Earth by the end of the century. We Americans need to understand what we are facing. The truth has the potential to set us all free.

Because it is also true that the power of the 99% is so much greater than the 1% — IF WE CLAIM IT. Now is the time. Everything, absolutely everything that we love and cherish is at stake. — Molly

New Gallup poll shows Sen. Bernie Sanders has better image than Joe Biden in eyes of Democratic voters
A new Gallup poll showed that Bernie Sanders is the most favorably viewed contender for the Democratic presidential ticket.
Gallup released the results of the poll on Friday. It was conducted July 1-12, after first round of Democratic debates, and measured 10 Democratic White House hopefuls.
Sanders led the pack, with 72 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters viewing him favorably. Former Vice President Joe Biden followed at 69 percent. Rounding off the top half of the pack were Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 59 percent, Sen. Kamala Harris at 54 percent, and Sen. Cory Booker at 44 percent.
Journalist, activist, and Sanders supporter Shaun King pointed to the polling on Twitter:
With the exception of Bill de Blasio, none of the 10 had unfavorable ratings above 19 percent. The New York City mayor's unfavorable rating was 30 percent, nearly the same as his favorable rating—31 percent.
The new poll also noted a downward trend for Biden.
In Gallup's April poll, Biden was viewed favorably by 80 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leading voters, and by April, the measurement dropped to 74 percent. The new poll's 69 percent rating reflects an 11-point drop over the three-month period.
Looking at more broadly at all U.S. adults' views, both Biden and Sanders were still slightly behind President Donald Trump. Gallup's July poll showed that 45 percent viewed the president favorably, compared to Biden's 42 percent and Sanders's 41 percent.
The new poll came less than two weeks before 20 Democratic candidates will face off in the second primary debates.
As with the first, the second will take place over two days—July 30 and 31.
Unlike the June debates, the upcoming ones will not feature Biden and Sanders squaring off, according to the lineups announced this week by CNN.
Debating on July 30 will be Montana Gov. Steve Bullock; South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg; former Rep. John Delaney; former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper; Sen. Amy Klobuchar; former Rep. Beto O'Rourke; Rep. Tim Ryan; Sanders; Warren; and Marianne Williamson.
On July 31, Sen. Michael Bennet; Biden; Booker; former San Antonio, Texas Mayor Julian Castro; de Blasio; Rep. Tulsi Gabbard; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand; Harris; Washington Gov. Jay Inslee; and Andrew Yang will debate.

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