Sunday, July 21, 2019

EPA Won’t Ban Toxic Pesticide Despite Link to Brain Damage in Children

One unfathomably dangerous assault after another on our Earth Mother. Just pure madness. This is yet one more symptom of late stage addiction to greed and the now late stage neoliberal free market capitalist system that we’ve been living with for decades. Today I understand Reagan, the Bushes, the Clintons, and Obama as middle stage corporatocracy. Now, in the era that has brought us Trump, we’re witness to the end stages and the collapse of the empire. We’re either going to continue on until everything is destroyed or massively awaken and actively participate together, nationally and globally, in birthing a New World out of all this death. Such frightening and sad times we’re living in. And we are all in this together. 🙏 Molly

The Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday it will not ban the widely used pesticide chlorpyrifos, even though the agency’s own research shows it can cause brain damage in children. The Obama administration said it would ban the use of the toxic chemical in 2015, but the rule never took effect and was suspended in 2017 by then-EPA head Scott Pruitt.

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