Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reflections on What Corporate Democrats and Corporate Republicans Share In Common — AND Visions of the Radically Different World We Can Create Together

I have shared this before and am moved to share again. Many would like to blame everything that scares us on either Trump and those who support him or on those who don’t support him. The problem with limiting the perspective to Republicans vs Democrats is that we end up biting the hook thrown to us by the powerful. We bite that hook and then, through the process of fighting with each other, we become divided, distracted, and deeply disempowered. And divided we fall.
There is a great struggle occurring all over our country and the world between the powerful financial interests of the 1% and those who hold a vision of a radically different country and planet. That is also clearly what is occurring within the Democratic Party with Bernie Sanders, AOC, Ilhan Omar, and all the authentically progressive Democrats who are taking on the power structure of the corporate Democrats and all who back them and the special interests that have also bought the Republican Party.
And for those of us who know the depths of what is threatening all life on Earth, we also understand that everything we love is at stake. What is threatening us is so much greater than any one political party or president. In saying this, in no way am I minimizing the profound crises which are greater today than anything we humans have ever faced.
Tragically, the vast majority of Americans are not informed about the climate and ecological crises which are threatening life on Earth. The American corporate media, the fossil fuel industry, the animal agricultural industry, Wall Street, the Koch brothers, and more are responsible for doing everything they can to ensure that we don’t understand the truth of how dire our situation is.
So while millions of us understand the imperative that the current occupant of the White House goes, we struggle to understand and be conscious of the forces which have for so long been pillaging our nation and the Earth and which have brought us this nightmare reality TV show that’s being played out at the highest levels of the American government. We simply did not come to this place of national and planetary peril overnight or just since Trump. Where we’re at today has been a long time coming. In looking at addictions on a continuum, we’re now late stage and nearing death. Certainly our Earth is now on hospice.
So not only do we need to take a step back and reclaim our humanity beyond the boxes of identifying with one or the other of the two major political parties, but also there is great need for us to work together nationally and globally to dismantle the huge financial interests that have long been destroying our planet and life on Earth — AND to build a radically different world together. NOW. We are at the 12th hour.

You may think I’m a dreamer, but I know I’m not the only one. 🙏 Molly

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