8. On the other hand, they may speak highly of themselves.

Owing to their low confidence level, narcissists often speak highly of themselves or make their good deeds known. Their artificially inflated ego is the driving force. You may also hear them say how they would have better handled another’s issue if it were them – a roundabout criticism of another and a way to boast about themselves.

9. Narcissists like to look awesome.

Narcissists are usually well put together. They take time to look great. They are extraordinarily conscious about their looks and the appearance of those close to them. For example, they care about the appearance of their children or spouse – not for the sake of the other person, but for the impression it gives to others about the narcissist himself.

10. They want the “best.”

A Narcissist will demand to have the best of everything – the best house, doctor, beautician, car, golf clubs, equipment, electronics and so on. They have a desire to own what they deem to be the best. This will often include a desire to own highly expensive things. In like manner, they assess what others have and compare their stuff to those of others.
Likewise, they’re continually searching for the next “best” thing. Narcissists are fairly empty inside. Because of this, they have become despondent with their possessions and are frequently disappointed with their accomplishments. What they sought after yesterday is no more enough for them today. You will notice that with many narcissists nothing is ever good enough. They crave the latest things, the better this and the bigger that.

There are many other characteristics of someone with a narcissistic personality disorder. This condition is serious and not to be used lightly or thrown around. If you suspect you are in a relationship with a narcissist, it is important to seek help.
Please go here for the original article: http://personalitybuzz.com/10-hidden-signs-of-a-narcissist/