Tuesday, December 18, 2012

For the Children

Now that we are here in this enormous time of pain and loss and opportunity, now that the time has so clearly come - What can we do? For the children? For us all? How can we not deny, but embrace all the horror and anger and fear and rage and despair and shock and bottomless grief that I believe is impacting us all, whether we know it or not, and do something with all this that will make a difference? How can we each put out a strong intention and prayer: Please help me! Please help me learn the gifts of the alchemist and how it is that poison can be turned to Blessing. Please, can we all work on this together - for the children? For us all?
Saturday night Ron and Matt and I were driving 1/2 mile from our home when in the darkness we realized we were seeing an altar on the neighborhood street corner. There were all these candles that were lit and little figures and statues of holy figures and a big sign with big painted letters that read: FOR ALL THE CHILDREN. And there it was, this little altar, right there in the middle of this small quiet neighborhood radiating light and hope and remembrance of what really matters.
Ron and my son and I all became inspired - we are now working on the altar we will build on our street corner. I have all these candles and holy figures out on the counter, and Ron and Matt and I have all agreed on what our sign will say. As soon as it is up, on our little street corner, I will share the photograph of this Light we are creating. And our little altar will stay up indefinitely, sending out ripples to who knows where. I just know it matters. And that it matters that each of us, as we may be called, do something... inwardly and outwardly, individually and collectively.
Perhaps each and every one of us can do something to transform this poison, this fear and anger and blame and separation. We are all in this together. Let us work to heal ourselves and the world in which we live. For the children. For us all. The time is here, Now. Blessed be.

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