Sunday, September 20, 2009

Video: The Profound Hypocrisy of FreedomWorks Chairman Dick Armey

"Here's the catch," Moyers says after showing video clips with protesters decrying "the lies" coming from the Obama administration. "Something these marchers who came to Washington at Armey's urging could hardly be expected to know. For most of his adult life, their leader has benefited from just the kind of government tax-supported health care he's fighting to keep them from having too."

Read more at:

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I believe that ignorance is the root of all evil. And that no one knows the truth.
~ Molly Ivins

Compassion literally means to feel with, to suffer with. Everyone is capable of compassion, and yet everyone tends to avoid it because it's uncomfortable. And the avoidance produces psychic numbing -- resistance to experiencing our pain for the world and other beings.
~ Joanna Macy

Truth, and goodness, and beauty are but different faces of the same all.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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