Sunday, September 20, 2009

Michael Meade in Oregon Oct. 22 - 24th, 2009

Warmest Greetings

I am very excited to share that Michael Meade will be in Eugene on October 22nd, in Portland Friday evening, October 23rd, and giving a day long workshop in Portland on Saturday, October 24th. I hope to see you there and/or that you will help spread the word. For those not in the area, please go to the Mosaic website for more information on books and CDs that can be purchased. Proceeds support Voices of Youth and Intercultural Projects.
Peace & blessings ~ Molly

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A Poetics of Peace

The Light Inside Dark Times

with author, mythologist and storyteller Michael Meade

News of financial downturns and economic collapse resonates differently to the ears of the soul than it does to the antennae of the mind or the aspirations of the spirit.When all the news seems bad and getting worse, the mind falters and even the spirit, that transcendent, uplifting aspect of earthly life, can fail to light the way. Spirit may offer "peak experiences," but soul would lead us down, past the "bottom line" into the real depths of life. Soul would makes us deeper in order to make us wiser. Secretly, our souls seek wisdom and wisdom is a darker knowledge found in dark places and in dark times.

The soul is primal, the older, wiser part of us that is deeply connected to the world. It is the premier source of changes in the world and of transformations in our lives. Soul awakens as things seem to fall apart and soul would have us each find our part and path in life even as the world becomes more troubled and confusing. The soul is the light inside the dark, the hidden quintessence that secretly holds things together within each of us and within the world.

Themes: Tales of Spirit and of Soul; The Second Hand of Creation; Inner Light of Soul; The Second Layer of Hope; Turning Things Around; Growing Things Downward; Return of the Elder; Touching the Timeless; Loss of Sight, Gaining Vision

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I do not want the peace that passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace.
~ Helen Keller

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