Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sharif Abdullah: Voting By Fear, Voting By Hope

Ken and I just talked about this important article by my friend Sharif Abdullah. I love this piece by Sharif, which so clearly defines a bigger picture. I also love how my partner Ken focused in on "witnessing John Kennedy duke it out with Ronald Reagan". Ken drew my attention to how both these men possess morality, but very different moralities. (All who have studied and understand the impact of Reagan policies know that this administration dealt a serious blow to the collective compact of the commons, demonizing government of, by, and for the people and thereby justifying the destruction of government programs - especially those which provide critical help to the most vulnerable among us - while vastly increasing corporate welfare/power and fueling income disparities and the gradual downward financial spiral which is culminating in where we find ourselves today.) Ken and I talked about how one morality embraces inclusivity while the other worships the John Wayne values of each man fending for himself. Then Ken looked at me and said: It was Kennedy's morality that was assassinated.... Let us envision a very different outcome and new beginning today than that of four decades ago. Let us envision a world that works for all...


by Sharif Abdullah


There is never a dull moment around this place. Ongoing war, student riots, the SAARC summit meeting… I don’t know where to begin.

Perhaps I should begin where every Sri Lankan who knows me starts: “Obama!” The world’s most popular man weaves his magic on this island… and he hasn’t even been here. People I don’t even know hear that I’m an American and come up to me with the one question: “Can he win?”

Not, “Is he a good man?” or “What are his views on foreign affairs?”. From the world’s point of view, the US election is already over – they have their President. (We call the US President the “Leader of the Free World”. Ironic that the world can’t vote for him or her.)

My answer? The election has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans. That illusory division does not define what is going on with the “Obama Effect”. The November election pits two amazingly well-matched candidates against each other: The Past and The Future.

John McCain is a most worthy representative of The Past. He has all of the “tested under fire” credentials (and white hair) that you want in a candidate who represents America’s Past. In a time of fear and uncertainty, many people want a steady hand on the rudder and clear eye toward a safe harbor.

Barack Obama is the epitome of The Future. Someone who transcends all of the old alliances and political configurations (to the chagrin of those in his own party). Someone of the Internet Age. Someone who believes that America’s strength does not lie in her past, but her future. Someone who not only understands, but literally transcends race (to the chagrin of those in the old “Civil Rights” establishment). In a time of hope and rapid change, Obama has his eye – and his enthusiasm – set firmly in the future.

So, we get to witness John Kennedy duke it out with Ronald Reagan. Which one will win? It depends whether, on election day, American voters are more hopeful than fearful. (Perhaps I should characterize it as “Voting by Fear” and “Voting by Hope”.)

People are motivated by BOTH fear and hope. (Remember: inclusivity means seeing things from both/all sides.) After the people of Czechoslovakia defeated the Soviet Union in their nonviolent “Velvet Revolution”, at election time, they almost returned the Communists to power! Why? In times of uncertainty, people look for the familiar – even if it means familiarly oppressive and authoritarian. Then, rather than rely on themselves, they can complain about “the government” again. People go back to abusive governments like women go back to abusive husbands.

[Which one SHOULD win? In keeping with current IRS regulations and in light of Commonway’s nonprofit status, I have no stated official position.]


For the full article, please go here:



The essence of our work is ridding ourselves, our organizations and our society of fear. The root of our problems lies in fear, and the stress, anger, hostility and violence produced by fear. Fear is simply another form of violence. We encourage people to cross the boundaries that separate us... It is only through a profound shift in consciousness that a new society can be born. We all must undergo this shift. A change in consciousness must precede any change in institutions, laws or social patterns. The necessary change is specific: from “I am Separate” to “We are One”. We can’t solve our problems with the same consciousness that created them. Our deep divisions and seemingly insurmountable problems are leading us to new ways of working together. ~ Sharif Abdullah

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