Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ken's Letter

This is a more personal post. Among the many things which I so love, respect, and appreciate about my partner is his courage and deep caring. He is an incredible activist. And, like me, his passions are not rooted in partisan politics, but are very much rooted in his big heart and commitment to doing what he can to help create a world that works for everyone. Ken has so many countless ways in which his deep concerns and caring for his children and truly for all of life manifest. He's out there canvassing, endlessly reading and researching, devouring truth - including when it would be easier to look away, calling his representatives in Congress, and the list goes on and on and on. The below is Ken's letter to Senator Obama and Senator Biden, which Ken has given me permission to share. It made me cry... Peace & blessings to all ~ Molly

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Honorable Sirs:

Please read the following and find enclosed more contributions to your election and bid for the highest public offices in the USA.

I am a 54 year old male, born in the state of Oregon with ancestry that goes back to the northwest territory, 1847, yes before Oregon was a state. I am profoundly disappointed in the current condition of these United States of America. I have not had steady employment since October of 2007, or work with one employer since 2003, who could supply me steady employment that lasted more then a year, so I have had time to think about…………….

How are we as human beings supposed to maintain :
….A stable tax base when everyone is in temporary jobs?
…A healthy family life with everyone working two part or full time jobs?
..Health care for ourselves or our families with no limit on health costs and premiums?
How as decent human beings are we to:
….Survive this injustice in our Government, corporate lobbyists allowed to dominate our political system?
…Believe anything we hear on cable, television, or the public airways when they are owned and operated by the likes of Rupert Murdock, or the other few owners, who only care about the all mighty dollar?
..Not become a country of corporate Greed, with Wars for Profit, and Healthcare for the Wealthy only?

I am giving your campaign money that I cannot really afford to give away, yet I cannot not give to your campaigns, because you are the only real hope for saving this country, so as you accept this donation, I can only hope you will do the following:

1st and foremost, give the airways of television, cable and radio back to the people so truth can be heard and seen once again. No more hiding the wounded and dead soldiers in battles where the USA is involved, because that is what gets us out of wars, transparency forever, thou shall not kill, period. Truth in broadcasting is a must, and I believe our right under the law.

2nd , National healthcare for all ages of Americans, a one payer system, paid from our hard earned taxes. A $25 to $30 per visit fee would be more then most industrialized countries citizens’ pay currently, no matter what the illness.

3rd , Jobs in America. Green energy jobs, not this unsafe Nuclear or Coal powered stuff. Clean Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Hydro, more then enough areas available across these United States to supply all of our energy needs. Solar and wind electric car companies?, Mitsubishi’s MiEV SPORT employs solar panels in its roof and a generator turbine driven by the airflow passing through the front grille, while we continue our oil habit. We can create so many energy jobs in 2009 alone, just get everyday people like me involved with government backing and you will see “not for profit companies” up and running in no time at all, putting hundreds of thousands of Americans back to work and teaching our high school and college age youth how to work for a great cause at the same time.

4th Education for everyone, grades 1 through 16, yes college for all who need to learn more, which is everyone. Education will allow us to continue to grow in mind and spirit and education is the root of all justice and hope for a truth based society, one that can put our hearts first and our wallets second, …..

……..and I could go on and on, but these are the big four, at least from my point of view, and if you go to blog sites like, you will see links to many others who feel like I do.

In closing, I would like to thank both of you men for your vision and ability to create a better country and world for us all, even when you are subjected to so much false and harmful accusation.

Thank you,


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"You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore."
--Cesar Chavez, 1984

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