Saturday, September 13, 2008

Renewing America's Promise

A Progressive Platform

Many actions of the Democratic Party have been deeply concerning to me, and especially since I first began to truly pay attention following 9/11. It has been both deeply humbling and deeply concerning to learn that there is no political party which has been free of actions, or inaction, which have been deeply harmful to our nation and the planet. For that reason, I have grown progressively stronger over time in my commitment to placing principles before personalities. And this certainly means putting values and integrity before any particular political party, politician, or candidate. All too many Democratic politicians have also been swept up in the wave of greed, fear, ego, collusion through silence, and the misuse of power. And, in my opinion, all too many citizens, certainly myself included, have also played our roles in leading us all to this perilous place humanity finds itself at today. I recognize this dark side or shadow, which on a continuum I believe exists in us all. Hence, my on-going sense of humility and commitment to discernment in looking within myself and anything else.

When I recently discovered the below link on the Democratic Party Platform and read through the table of contents and skimmed much of the this long piece, I became heartened by how truly progressive this platform is. It is deeply inclusive, comprehensive, and rooted in the powerful values of caring for one another and the planet. The platform strongly acknowledges the powerful issues and challenges which affect us all.

It was very encouraging for me how this platform embraces so much and moves deeply away from focusing on those issues which have so polarized our nation, and especially over the past eight years. I believe that the issues listed here are ones which we can largely unite around, no matter our politics or religion, our race or ethnicity, our gender or age, or any of those qualities which define our diversity. Because they get into the heart of what nearly all of us want, not just as Americans, but as human beings. I believe that it is important to truly affirm that all people want to breathe clean air, that all children deserve a good education, that all people have a right to basic health care, that our very sustenance is dependent upon caring for the planet upon which we live, that our Constitution needs to be honored and protected, that Habeas Corpus is core to our American and human values, that slavery - whether in America or elsewhere - is unacceptable, that we have a media which is committed to keeping us informed, and on and on. I reviewed the issues listed in this link and saw again and again those issues behind which nearly all Americans can unite. Because we all have needs for jobs and education, for health care and housing, for truthful information and learning to live sustainably, for caring for ourselves and one another. We are all connected.

Please go here for a more in-depth look at these issues which, in my experience, truly affect us all:

Please consider passing this on. Thanks!



These times call for a revolution in kindness and an epidemic in fearlessness.

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