Thursday, September 25, 2008

Important Websites For Voters

My partner just informed me of a website which he heard about this morning on Thom Hartmann's national radio program. It's called Can I Vote? This website "is maintained by the National Association of Secretaries of State, the nation's oldest, nonpartisan professional association for public officials... Our members are the chief state election officials in 39 states. This nonpartisan website was created by state election officials to help eligible voters..." This is especially important and empowering to know about now after the very frightening sabotage of the American vote in both of the last two presidential elections, not to mention other elections, too. Please go here for more information:

One additional website where you can "Check Your Registration and Polling Place... Don't take a chance on losing your vote in November" is Voters Unite:

Please also consider sharing this with others. Thank you! Together, we can make a difference! :-)



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