Saturday, July 5, 2008


Heartfelt Greetings

Thanks to my friend Sharif Abdullah ( for passing on this link: Dancing 2008 made me smile, cry, laugh, and simply brought utter delight to my heart. It is well worth the 4+ minutes to watch.

Please also note this related article in which it is reported that "the video was downloaded to the web on Saturday, June 20, 2008 and by Sunday, it had 1 million hits." Dance 2008 is "already dubbed 'the best movie of 2008'." For more information, please go here:

I am continuously and deeply moved each time I am witness to the extraordinary creativity of human beings and the amazing diversity of ways that a positive impact can be made in the world. Isn't it just such a gift to see and feel and experience the increasing imprint on our Earth Mother of consciousness, caring, healing, joy, and love? There are so many brothers and sisters worldwide who are sending out ripples, powerful ripples of kindness, caring, creativity, and connection that I know make a difference. A huge and growing difference.

May we all listen to - and follow more deeply - our dreams, our bliss, our passions, our hearts. May we all continue to grow in consciousness, compassion, and love for all beings everywhere. May we remember gratitude and humility along the way, and may we increasingly learn to recognize the value and beauty in both ourselves and in others. And in this process let us remember to smile and to laugh, and to celebrate and honor the amazing ways in which the spirit of Creator reveals itself in each of us. Even something as simple as dance can be holy.



From the website:

-An observation-

The world is great
and we are small
The world is one
and we are many

When a man, travels from one land
to another, and dances on that land
Is it those who watch him from behind screens are the ones that

Or is it those around him
enlightened by this random act
who dance with him?
One could imagine

Can one man who dances, change the world?
Unfortunately, nay
But when that man dances, and ten are inspired to dance with him

then twenty
then forty
then sixty
then eighty

and the next week,
a thousand
and a month
a million

It is only then, that one man
changes many
and the many
will change the one world

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