Holding a vision of a world that works for all..... "Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love." ~ Rumi
Sunday, July 2, 2023
Knowing and Speaking the Truth
Edward Snowden is tragically spot on. It takes a lot of courage to embody, truly embody, a profound ongoing commitment to seeking, knowing, and speaking the truth. Because then we have to be accountable. And then we need to be willing and wanting to uncover our blind spots, to recognize how we’ve been indoctrinated and propagandized and misled, to see and own our illusions and the falsehoods that we once fervently mistook for truth, and to heal and transform our ancestral, racial, and cultural wounds.
There are many layers.
May courage and connection, integrity and truth, compassion and caring, wisdom and love be contagious. Our strong voices of truth, integrity, and courage are greatly needed.
Otherwise the violence Emma Goldman wisely spoke of over 100 years ago will continue to spread like the wildfires consuming so much of the Earth. So may we remember this: "The most violent element in society is ignorance."
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