Holding a vision of a world that works for all..... "Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love." ~ Rumi
Monday, June 3, 2019
Michael Meade: No One Can Be Neutral
This quote from one of my longtime teachers holds much wisdom. The path we travel and the choices we each make over the course of our lifetimes — consciously or otherwise — truly matter. We are either consciously doing the ongoing healing and transformative work of opening and expanding our hearts and minds, which blesses us with ever growing connection and compassion, courage and kindness, resilience and well-being, authenticity and purpose, beauty and joy, wisdom and love. Or we are traveling a dead-end road in which we increasingly suffer — often growing sick and addicted (to include both substance and non-substance addictions), judgmental and empathically impaired, brittle and bitter, disconnected and depressed, contracted and fearful, and less and less of who we truly are. May we each choose wisely, connect with those who are our fellow companions on the journey of awakening from our illusions, and experience the incredible gifts of our lives and what it is that we come here to do to benefit others. Bless us all on our journeys. — Molly
Either a person comes to a place of some self-knowledge and thereby learns to contribute something genuine to life, or they add to all that is unauthentic and distorted in the world. No one can be neutral on the road of life and death.
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