Saturday, June 29, 2024

Some Hopeful Thoughts On What May Arise In the Aftermath of the Presidential Debate

Photo by Molly

Opening to Hope and Opportunity

As today is unfolding, I am mindful that my perspectives and thoughts and emotions are transforming. 

Yesterday was hard. In the aftermath of Thursday's devastating debate, I am aware that I was among millions of Americans and others worldwide who were experiencing a great deal of trauma and pain and shock and fear. The extreme trepidation related to any possible second Trump presidency is very real. Millions of us recognize this candidate and all that he represents — malignant narcissism, authoritarianism, fascism, greed, Project 2025, reversing all policies and actions which would address the climate crisis, hatred and vengeance and viciousness, an endless stream of pathological lies and projections, dehumanization and disinformation and polarization, and on and on. There is a profound understanding in our country and nations around the world that another Trump presidency would be catastrophic for everyone.

That said, the trauma I was experiencing is now shifting into hope, real hope. Because maybe, just maybe, what happened Thursday night was something that needed to happen. Because it is highly probable that Biden truly had no real hope of beating Trump. If Biden were to remain on the ticket, our worst nightmare was most likely to become a reality.

I am now hearing countless strong voices from all over the country saying that it is time for Joe Biden to step down. Many are framing it as the most patriotic thing our current president can do. And this pressure is also coming from a diversity of people and resources who up until now had been fervent Biden supporters. But now their eyes are open. Now they can see.

And Joe Biden is being asked, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."

As I am reading and watching and listening to these voices affirming that Biden must hand over the baton, I am also seeing new possible candidates who would be an incredible breath of fresh air and who would truly give us all someone to gather around and support and fight for. And this is our greatest opportunity to truly end the madness of any possible second Trump presidency — and to ultimately also address, reverse, and transform some of Biden's policies that were causing so much harm. 

This is about more than Trump alone. It is also about claiming our rights to a much more sustainable, peaceful, and caring nation and world. A second Biden term was not going to bring us closer to realizing our deepest aspirations and visions, hopes and dreams, and consciousness of true progress and justice and peace.

The horror of Thursday night may have actually been a blessing in disguise, a gift to all of us who care so deeply about our loved ones, our country, other nations, and all beings on the Earth. May it be so. 🙏

— Molly

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