Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Angeles Arrien: The Challenge

Photo by Molly
The Challenge

In The Wheel of Time, Carlos Casteneda said, "To be young and vital is nothing. To be old and vital is sorcery." How do we vigilantly sustain and conserve our vitality as we grow older? The Rustic Gate challenges us to learn to access our natural generative energy. Stagnation, despair, boredom, loneliness, or indifference may signal that our generative energy is blocked. These experiences are referred to as acedia, from the Greek word a-kedos, "not caring" or sour. The Chinese written word for "boredom" consists of two characters, one for heart, and the other for killing. Boredom and apathy kill the human heart, and open the door to acedia. Thomas Aquinas defined acedia as the lack of energy to look at new things, and Hildegard von Bingen recognized the impact of acedia when she talked about the soul being weakened by coldness, indifference, and neglect. When asked about his approach to life in Seasons of the Heart, Vaclav Havel, former president of the Czech Republic, said, "I am not an optimist, because I am not sure that everything ends well. Nor am I a pessimist because I am not sure everything ends badly. I just carry hope in my heart." Joy, hope, and possibility banish acedia and fuel generativity.

Matthew Fox made an important contribution to identifying the Deadly Sins of our time in his book Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh, which reveals the major barriers to creativity. He says that many are extensions or aspects of acedia: lack of passion, dissipation of energy, misdirected love, and self-imposed isolation.

Erik Erickson, in his developmental model of human nature (summarized below), notes that the later years require cultivation and expression of generativity and integrity, or the opposite states of stagnation and despair will manifest. Erickson examines these states from the perspectives of involvement, relationships, mental attitudes, physical image, and vocations --

Adult/Maturity Characteristics

Energy, Motivation, Mental growth, Other absorbed, Establishment of the next generation through altruistic and creative acts aligned with meaning and integrity
Boredom, Mental Decline, Self-absorbed, Narcissist self-indulgence

Growing, Selfless, Giving, Involved in the life of the community
Deterioring, Selfish, Taking

Open, Flexible, Growing, Creative
Closed, Rigid, Stuck

Realistic body image, Balance
Unrealistic body image, Imbalance

Sense of being needed, Ongoing sense of exploration and discovery, Daily contribution to life and others, Generativity, Character development
Disillusionment, Boredom, No sense of contribution to others, Stagnation, Loss of memory

The Four Rivers

Many traditional societies believe that the Four Rivers of Life - Inspiration, Challenge, Surprise, and Love - sustain and support them, and connect them to great gifts. They also believe that if they fail to stay connected to these rivers, they succumb to "walking the procession of the living dead" and begin to experience soul loss, depression, stagnation, or other manifestations of acedia.

The River of Inspiration reveals where we are in touch with our creative fire and our life dream. Any time that we experience expansive or hope, or feel uplifted, we are in presence of creativity. As log as we can still be inspired, we know we are alive, refusing to join the procession of the living dead.

The River of Challenge calls us to stretch and grow beyond what is knowable or familiar. We notice who or what is asking us to leave our comfort zones and explore uncharted creative areas or interests. This river always asks us to move past any fixed notion of what we can do. If we are willing to be challenged, to become explorers again, acedia cannot come into our lives.

The River of Surprise keeps us fluid and flexible, and requires us to open to options and possibilities that we may not have considered. The Intuits have a saying about it: "There are two plans for every day - my plan and the Mystery's plan." This river reveals where we have become rigid or controlling rather than curious, flexible, and ready to trust what emerges for our consideration. The River of Surprise shows us where our attachments repress the natural flow of creativity and generosity.

The River of Love shows us where we are touched and moved by life's experience. If we are not, especially in our work, we know acedia is present and our heart has begun to close. Humor, joy, laughter and love are considered medicines for the heart by some indigenous peoples. This river indicates that the work and service that we love can make us happy. Kahlil Gibran reminds us of the value of service: "Work is love made visible."

How will we use our generative energies and stay connected to the Four Rivers of Life? This is the challenge of the Rustic Gate.

- Angeles Arrien
Excerpted from The Second Half of Life:
Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom

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