Friday, February 16, 2024

Jim Palmer: Humankind and God Are Inseparable and One

This is a post from Jim Palmer that I deeply appreciate. Jim's response to this inquiry from someone recovering from religious trauma is so beautiful and wise, healing and helpful, compassionate and loving. Here is a reflection of love rather than judgment and fear where the concept of the "devil" and fear of hell loses its hold on us and we instead awaken to the sacred beauty that is at the core of who we are and all spiritual and religious truth.

I also have known many personally and professionally, including small children I have worked with, who have grown up with the trauma of deep fear, shame, and judgment they have absorbed that is related to the religion they were raised with. And certainly on my own journey it has taken me many years to fully embrace and experience the wisdom that we humans are all born, not with sin, but with the Divine woven through our being and connecting us with all of life. I recognize today, not that the "devil" plagues our struggles, but that it is unaddressed trauma that is needing our compassionate and loving attention and healing and transformation.

I imagine a world where more and more of us are not splitting off into the saved/unsaved, but are instead immersing ourselves in all that helps us to remember what we have forgotten  that we are all imbued from birth onward with the Sacred. This is the beauty of our true nature. Just imagine if we humans were to remember this and live our lives with this deep respect, caring, compassion, and love towards all of our fellow beings on this beautiful hurting Earth that we share. Just imagine the lovingkindness that would ripple deeply through ourselves, all of our beloveds, and our world. Just imagine. 🙏 Molly

"Hey, Jim. I have deconstructed my absurd religious beliefs I held since childhood. But there are still days this voice of fear pops up that says I am backsliding. It says, "Sara, what if you are wrong? What if you've been deceived? What if you have turned your back on God and going to hell?" Yes, I know it's silly. But the struggle is real. Thoughts?"
Hi, Sara. I understand.
If I put on my philosophy hat, I could easily show you that whatever "God" might be, it's not possible to be separate or separated from this ultimate reality.
If I put on my theologian hat, I could easily show you that the Bible does not teach a literal hell and that the whole point of Jesus was to show that humankind and God are inseparable and one.
If I put on my science hat, I could easily show you that the universe, existence and all things are attributes or expressions of one source and ground of being.
If I put on my spirituality hat, I could easily show you that peace, harmony and absence of all fear is a quality of your innermost being.
If I put on my religious trauma counselor hat, I could easily show you that a common residual effect of toxic religion is to experience this angst you described from time to time. You were indoctrinated into these toxic beliefs in childhood. It's a process. Be patient with yourself. The thoughts and feelings you have are real, but the fears themselves have no validity and are the lingering impact of toxic religion.
So now, I'm going to take off my philosophy hat, theology hat, science hat, spirituality hat and religious trauma counselor hat.
I'm going to put on my human being hat.
Sara, you are a good, beautiful, extraordinary, and powerful human being. Who you are is your gift to the world. There is nothing wrong with you. You are not bad or defective. You are worthy and deserving of love and acceptance just the way you are without condition or performance. For every one thing you can find that is "wrong" about you, I can find ten that are right and good and beautiful about you. You have a particular brilliance and magnificence that is unique to you that no other person has except you. You are deserving of your own love, acceptance, patience and compassion.
Never apologize for who you are or your life. There is nothing for you to defend or prove... ever! Your worth and value is settled and secure. You are good. Not just a little good. Like, super wow dang good. Believe it. Don't ever let anyone tell you any different.
Sara, there is nothing to fear. If I were to say "I love you", I would not be speaking as just myself as one human being. I am speaking with the voice of the universe, the voice of God, the voice of the ground of all being... in which we are inseparable and one.
I hope this helps a little.

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