Friday, August 4, 2023

Some Thoughts On These Times and Standing In Protection of All That Is Sacred

Wow! So spot on and incredibly chilling given the times that we are living in —
  • with deadly denial of and inaction on the catastrophic climate emergency that is upon us here and now
  • with a criminal-sociopathic-narcissistic-misogynistic-racist-homophobic-authoritarian-fascist-wannabe dictator running for president and millions of people supporting his horrifying madness and insanity
  • with inaction on gun violence and even given daily mass shootings and gun violence being the #1 cause of death for children in our country
  • with endless wars and the ongoing obscene and immoral funding of the military industrial complex
  • with the ongoing brutal redistribution of wealth upwards and psychopathic runaway greed in the midst of crushing poverty for millions in America and billions worldwide
  • with fighting the rights of women and the LBGTQ+ community and Blacks and the freedom for children to be taught our true history in schools
  • with epidemics of substance and non-substance addictions, depression and anxiety, abuse and neglect, domestic violence and other forms of violence
  • with the ongoing normalization and perpetuation of the patriarchal neoliberal late stage predatory capitalist system that is destroying our country and other nations and the planet
And on and on and on. The American Empire is in collapse. Our Earth Mother is in collapse. And all around and beyond us is horrific and heartbreaking suffering and violence and death.

How we are responding matters deeply. So very deeply.

Included in this and of equal and vital importance is that we not lose sight of beauty.

In the midst of all these heartbreaks and fears and atrocities, beauty remains. Love remains. Resilience remains. And choices remain — to act in whatever way that we can on behalf of a higher good for us all. Or not.

May we each take responsibility for choosing wisely. The children of today and all of our descendants are depending on us. They are depending on us to stand in their protection and in protection and reverence of all that is sacred.

Bless us all,

Photo by Molly

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