Thursday, August 3, 2023

Jackson Katz: I Loved the Barbie Movie

Wow, this is so well said! Originally I thought the movie would be all fluff. And then I started to hear positive experiences and reviews. Now both my husband — who really respects the director — and I plan to see Barbie. Can’t wait! Meanwhile, this review from Jackson Katz gives us some fabulous glimpses. And I couldn't resist adding the picture at the bottom. Ha! 😊💗🙏 Molly

Hi, All.
I just saw the Barbie movie yesterday. Then I started to read and hear some of the voluminous criticism regarding the film pro and con in corporate mainstream, "right," and "left" publications and podcasts.

After hearing out some of the incredibly simple-minded and cartoonish takes on the film from various popular right-wing media personalities (especially their fury at the storyline around Ken) I feel compelled to write about the film myself.

I will do that, soon. I just wanted to get this out now, as the box-office record-breaking BarbienHeimer weekend closes out.

For anyone who is interested in my eventual take, here is a spoiler alert: I loved the movie. I am super impressed by what Greta Gerwig (and her many collaborators) accomplished here.

And I think the idea that the Barbie movie is an exercise in woke male-bashing is...unhinged.

As a man I frankly find it embarrassing that so many men (and some women, and others) can't take even a mild critique of "patriarchy" and its deleterious (and often disastrous) effects on human thriving without melting down into pools of grievance and complaint.

I take heart that Not All Men(!) feel that way; 35% of Barbie's opening weekend viewers were men! It appears that millions of men are not threatened by basic feminist assertions of women's agency and advancement.

And many of us have enough of a sense of humor to laugh at ourselves and some of the less attractive features of male-dominated cultures without crying foul and embracing an unearned victim status.

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