Tuesday, July 18, 2023

John Kerry Says “Under No Circumstances” Will U.S. Commit to Climate Reparations

This is sickening. This makes my heart hurt. This is pure heartless madness. And this is just one more among countless examples over the decades and centuries of our nation refusing to take responsibility for the great harm, suffering, and deaths it has caused. This also illuminates the face of corporate neoliberal predatory capitalist democrats — it isn't just republicans! and the roots in greed that they embody. There is no other way to see this other than to know that John Kerry is but yet one more corporate democrat who is so obviously putting the needs of his corporate donors over those of people and planet. Which outrages me. And which must change. — Molly

White House climate envoy John Kerry is in Beijing to reestablish discussions on the climate crisis between the U.S. and China — the world’s two largest emitters of greenhouse gases. Kerry arrived in Beijing on Sunday as a weather station in western China logged an all-time high temperature record of 126 degrees Fahrenheit.

Kerry’s visit came just days after he ruled out reparations to other countries harmed by the climate crisis. Kerry made the remark during testimony last Thursday at a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee hearing as he was questioned by Republican Congressmember Brian Mast of Florida.

Rep. Brian Mast: “Are you planning to commit America to climate reparations? That is to say, we have to pay some other country because they had a flood or they had a hurricane or a typhoon or a wildfire.”   
John Kerry: “No, under no circumstances.” 
Rep. Brian Mast: “Very good. I’m glad to hear you say that.”

Kerry’s remarks were condemned by climate action groups including 350.org, which said in a statement, “U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry’s words are just the latest example of Kerry and the U.S. refusing to back up their vague claims for U.S. support in global climate progress with real, substantive action.”

Please go here for the original headline: https://www.democracynow.org/2023/7/18/headlines/john_kerry_says_under_no_circumstances_will_us_commit_to_climate_reparations 

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