Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Chris Jordan: Turning Powerful Stats Into Art

I have long held Chris Jordan with the highest respect and appreciation. His work is beyond amazing and a gift to us all.

I am deeply drawn to those who spend years and decades and lifetimes looking courageously into the depths of the painful realities which plague us — and Chris is certainly among them — realities which cause so much suffering and environmental destruction and cultural trauma and yet are not held in conscious awareness by the majority of us.

This courage and the profound caring for life inspires me to be courageous, to continue to look deeply and open my heart and to feel rather than remain numb and ignorant, and out of this feeling and conscious awareness to be changed and to act — to increasingly extricate myself from the problem and be more and more part of the solution.

And so I share this TED Talk from 2008 that remains deeply relevant to today. You can also find the current work of Chris Jordan on Facebook and other links. And I bow to Chris and to all who have long been giving us the opportunity to be shaken awake and aware and to feel and be changed and to act. 🙏 Molly

Artist Chris Jordan, a founding member of PPC (Plastic Pollution Coalition), shows us an arresting view of what Western culture looks like. His supersized images picture some almost unimaginable statistics — like the astonishing number of paper cups we use every single day.

Please go here for more information on Chris' work: http://www.chrisjordan.com/gallery/rtn/#silent-spring

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