Saturday, July 8, 2023

Jack Adam Weber: To Remain Loving, It Is Important To Be Intimate With Anger

 Wisely said and so true. 🙏 Molly

It's possible to be angry and compassionate at the same time. This is healthy anger, and important to grok. It's not only kind to yourself but to others, especially if they have any conscience to notice their actions.

Recently, I've come across several people who were unwilling to put their foot down when they were being violated, because they believe this is not compassionate. But this is toxic passivity, which also leads to toxic anger (repressed, backlogged anger which then comes out unconsciously and often inappropriately).

One can also be "sweet" when expressing dissatisfaction, if needed, though it's not necessary if one is genuinely being injured.

Imagine if someone could receive our healthy anger and simply be accountable. Anger would would get a whole new reputation and I imagine become collectively reduced in toxic volume.

To remain loving, it's important to be intimate with anger. The Yin and Yang of it all...

— Jack Adam Weber

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