Saturday, July 8, 2023

Chelan Harkin: Death and Birth Are Synonyms

Photo by Molly
Death and Birth Are Synonyms

Death and birth are synonyms. They are both the process of relinquishing small confines that held us and helped us grow. First we die to and are born from the womb. Then we develop within psychological/emotional constructs of ourself—the womb of identity, it could be called—until we become ready too to release ourself from those constraints to enter a much wider inner territory of broader love. The newborn experiences a great, expansive shift as it enters the realm of the
world. Likewise, a great spaciousness of self emerges and expands as these identity constructs, these driving narratives about ourself, fall away. There are worlds within worlds we move through, each dimensionally richer. These confines are deeply helpful until they are not. Were a child to overstay its time in the womb, the womb would stifle its growth rather than support it. Likewise, our increasing psychological and emotional suffering can represent the approach of an overstay in old identity constructs, though its mounting intensity supports our emergence.

— Chelan Harkin

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