Monday, August 29, 2022

Thoughts On Bringing Forth the Divine Feminine With the Support of the Sacred Masculine

As I have been preparing in an ongoing way over the past several months for this year's Women of the 14th Moon Ceremony and the special honor that I've been given when asked to be Intercessor for the 2022 ceremony, conscious awareness of many different pieces of value, need, blessing, and wisdom have been emerging and becoming more and more clear. 

Included are the reflections of my beloved teacher and mentor Judith Duerk. Over the years, Judith wrote and spoke of how we had all been orphaned by the Great Mother and the deep and vital need to bring forth the Sacred Feminine. Judith also highlighted the importance of honoring the feminine with the support of the masculine.

And I am reminded of Chelan Harkin's words in her poem "Dear Men" ( and how it is that we as women in "our deepest hearts do want to move through and beyond it [all that has separated us as men and women through millennia] together with you back to our nobility, back to our dignity, back to our wholeness, back to each other."

And this is what, in part, this rattle symbolizes for me. The power of this makes me cry...

I am also reminded of how my dear friend Lynn Negrete gifted me with this rattle, maybe 25 years ago. Thank you, Lynn!! I also, sadly, remember how our then golden retriever, Kodi, always the mischievous one, got a hold of it and chewed one of it's feathers. But the rattle was salvaged, thank the Goddess!

Over the years, this rattle has accompanied me each year to 14th Moon ceremonies, a ceremony where we gather to honor women in all of our life stages maiden, matron, elder. I cherish this ceremony. And I cherish this rattle.

This year it became clear to me that the rattle needed a rebirthing, adding new feathers, beads, heart and soul to it. And Ron, my beloved husband, my "he-man in touch with his feminine side", put his heart and soul into assisting me with the new beautification of this sacred rattle.

When I go forth this coming weekend into the Sacred Arbor on the 14th Moon land, I will be carrying this powerful rattle, imbued with the love of my dear friend Lynn, who is unable to come this year, with the energy of wolf and wolf's resilience and strength and wisdom and relational devotion, and with my loving husband and the interwoven blessing of bringing forth the Divine Feminine with the support of the Sacred Masculine.

A new world is emerging. And we, as women, are often leading the way. For too long there has been this profound imbalance where a toxic form of patriarchal and misogynistic masculinity has been dominant which has caused unfathomable harm to our Earth Mother and to all of her inhabitants. 

But this is changing. And, in part, what has haunted us for so very long is evolving and being transformed through the support and rising consciousness of the men who are bravely coming forth, in whatever ways that they can, to birth this new world together with us as women a world in which the Sacred Feminine is recognized and respected, protected and valued and honored in her myriad faces and forms, integrated with growing depth into our individual and collective beings, and blessed as the life-giving Divine Feminine force running through all of life.

Blessed be!

Photo by Molly

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Sharing Molly and wishing I could be there this year with you as the intercessor. Such a beautiful rattle imbibed even more deeply through the years with wisdom. I love that Ron also helped to add some magic to it this year. I also feel deeply grateful that Brsni is a warrior of the Divine Feminine and always in true support of it. May you be blessed this weekend as you bless others. Blessed Bees!
