Monday, August 29, 2022

The Women of the 14th Moon Ceremony

This photograph was taken 20 years ago in 2002 at the end of that year’s women’s ceremony. This was the planning committee for the Women of the 14th Moon Ceremony for the years 2000-2003, which I was blessed be part of.
I’ve continued to participate in this annual ceremony honoring women in all of our life stages as maiden, matron, elder since 1999. It’s been part of what has deeply healed me and transformed my life. This year I am especially honored to be asked to be Intercessor for the 2022 Ceremony, which will occur over Labor Day weekend. Deep bow.
May we all be gifted with exactly that which empowers us to increasingly heal, awaken, and grow into our wholeness, shedding more and more of the obstacles that we’ve absorbed and built against kindness and compassion, vulnerability and belonging, truth and love.
 Warmest blessings to all,
The ceremonial arbor and where we celebrate, honor, and bless women each year is set on beautiful land in Beavercreek, Oregon.

With dear sisters

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