Saturday, April 23, 2022

Starhawk: A Prayer For Earth Day and Everyday

So beautiful and needed, wise and true, compassionate and fiercely loving. May it be so. Deep bow. 🙏 Molly

May all the healers of the earth find their own healing. May they be fueled by passionate love for the Earth.

May they know their fear but not be stopped by fear. May they feel their anger and yet not be ruled by rage. May they honor their grief but not be paralyzed by sorrow.
May they transform fear, rage, and grief into compassion and the inspiration to act in service of what they love.
May they find the help, the resources, the courage, the luck, the strength, the love, the health, the joy that they need to do the work.
May they be in the right place, at the right time, in the right way.
May they bring alive a great awakening, open a listening ear to hear the Earth's voice, transform imbalance to balance, hate and greed to love.
Blessed be the healers of the Earth.
Happy Earth Day, today and everyday!  
An excerpt from The Earth Path

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