Saturday, April 23, 2022

May We All Be Passionate Seekers of Truth

Yes, our country needs to do the same with slavery and ongoing racism — and with genocide and the ongoing brutality and oppression of Indigenous Peoples, with the truth of the madness of resource wars and the war criminals in our own country who continue to walk our streets and not be held accountable, with the insanity of the patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system that enables billionaires at the cost of epidemic suffering and deaths in our nation and worldwide, with a corporate funded mass media system that keeps us ignorant and uninformed and polarized and doesn’t even begin to approach the coverage of the climate catastrophe that has most of life on Earth on a trajectory heading towards extinction. And on and on. “The most violent element in society is ignorance.” — Emma Goldman
May we all be passionate seekers of truth ... 🙏

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