Thursday, September 2, 2021

Chelan Harkin: The Trumpet Call Is Her Roar

POWERFUL. And, among so many other things, this reminds me of my utter outrage and that of millions of others with ― as just one intense and horrific example ― what is happening in Texas right now and following the toxic response of the Supreme Court. And then I hear the deep voice of Chelan Harkin and the profound individual and collective truths that she speaks to. Including this: "There is nothing fiercer than a woman who knows her worth and looks directly at the million ways it has tried to be stripped from her and her daughters." Nothing fiercer..... 💗 Molly

No need to wait
for the return of Christ,
the Goddess is writhing
in humanity’s hips
ready to erupt
Her Ancient Truth
and Grief
and Holy Rage.
The trumpet call is Her roar.
Her sermon from the mount is this:
Men, women live in a world
in which every instant they know
that you could rape or murder them
and often you do.
You are profoundly arrogant and ignorant
to the wounding you continue to cause.
Women have never been yours.
They have belonged to the dancing spirit that beats a wild drum
in their chests.
They have never been unworthy
or too sensitive.
They have always been the wise, powerful ones that you weren’t ready to listen to.
Though for millennia you have desecrated women’s bodies,
My primary cathedral,
it’s not women’s bodies
that you’ve ultimately
wanted to control,
it’s their voice and truth and power
and dominion
that you know would dismantle yours.
But look out sirs,
the Goddess is writhing and roaring
and gathering Her troops
inside the hearts and hips of women
for the great purging
of the patriarchy
She is arming us with poetry
that cuts through oppression
like a hot sword.
She is arming us with our truth
that nothing in the world
can conquer.
She is arming us with
a great arsenal
of our inherent crowns
and there is nothing fiercer
than a woman who knows her worth and looks directly at the million ways it has tried to be stripped from her and her daughters.
The age of the great equalizing
is upon us and first
every tectonic plate
in humanity’s heart must shift
and every foundation
we’ve known will quake
and break open
and there has been nothing
more foundational
than the infinite ways women
have been wronged.
Eons of repressed chaos
from the spiral
being told it had to walk
the straight path
and women being told
we had to suck
in the power in our bellies
to fit through the needles eye
are beginning to rumble
and fissures are being drawn
like war paint
onto every body
that can take these systems
no more.
The Goddess is gathering Her troops inside the hearts
and hips of women
ready to erupt
Her Ancient Truth
and Grief
and Holy Rage
through humanity’s chest.
The trumpet call is Her roar.
The time of the end
is now.

 Chelan Harkin


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