Friday, April 23, 2021

We Need a New Story To Live By

 We Need a New Story to Live By

There are many imperatives to these times, and they are all related. Specifically, the multiple severe crises which we are faced with today are all rooted in a "normal" which has always been pathological. Truly and deeply pathological.

How else could there now be the sixth major extinction, the 12th hour of the climate emergency, the epidemics of racism and oppression and violence, endless funding for wars and weapons but not for healthcare and the basic necessities for living, arguments over whether individual rights or the common good should prevail in the midst of a global pandemic, the vast redistribution of wealth upwards amidst catastrophic hunger, homelessness, poverty, and death all this and more if there weren't something horribly, horribly wrong with the stories that we have been telling ourselves for far, far too long?

We need a new story to live by. One which puts us in touch with what we have forgotten and what it is that truly matters. May there be a Great Remembrance of the sacredness of all of life and our intimate interrelationship with one another. What helps and nourishes others also helps and nourishes us. What harms one harms us all. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." — Martin Luther King, Jr.

May more and more of us unite in the Caring Revolution that is emerging and growing. May there be a vast and ever growing redistribution of love, kindness, fierce compassion, and generosity. This is my prayer.

The eyes of the children are watching. 

Bless us all,

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