Friday, April 23, 2021

Some Thoughts On the Evolution of Our Species

Yes, this is so painfully true. And yet the Bible is held up by many as something that can’t be questioned, expanded upon, or evolved beyond any of the harmful teachings which fuels fear rather than nourishes love. This unquestioning allegiance to the Bible is not dissimilar to the idolization of the “Founding Fathers” and what their original intent was. These religious and political attachments to ideologies, dogma, and patriarchal belief systems has led to untold violence and suffering in our nation and worldwide throughout history.
Humankind can evolve. And indeed we must. With all the imminent crises that have risen to the surface demanding our attention and transformation, the need for our species to grow into our greater capacity for consciousness, kindness, compassion, generosity, wisdom, and love has never before been the imperative that it is today. Truly, everything that we love and cherish is at risk.
May we all have the courage to question the roots of our beliefs, our values, our spiritual and political practices, and the deeper truths of what guides our lives individually and collectively. The welfare of us all is utterly dependent upon our doing so. Only through the brave, wise, and ongoing shedding of our ignorance, illusions, and indoctrination into that which causes so much devastation and harm do we stand the chance of transforming ourselves into the loving species that will act again and again and again to protect rather than destroy life.
May we awaken... NOW 

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