Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Our Human Biosphere Cannot Sustain Without Vaccination

I'm moved to share these words by my friend John Haggis. In doing so, I also again need to affirm that there are many who are unable to be vaccinated in the midst of this global pandemic because of a history of serious adverse reactions to vaccines. They need to be acknowledged and respected and protected, I believe, by those of us who are able to be vaccinated and by continuing to follow all of the safety protocols for Covid-19. 

In addition, I also need to again affirm that it is true that there are many who have different resources of information related to the Covid-19 vaccines, information which speaks to the dangers of these vaccines. Some of these dangers are genuine, but sadly — in my opinion most are rooted in the massive disinformation which plagues our nation and beyond. 

That said, there are also those who are aware of and use effective alternatives to vaccines to protect themselves. These alternatives are real and are the best answer for those who are not able or wanting to be vaccinated.

Whatever the reasons for those who do not get vaccinated for Covid, there remains the need for those of us who are to not demonize anyone because of their needs or choices. Where we can, we can instead choose to respectfully explore with those in our lives what their thoughts, beliefs, resources, experiences, and needs are. And we can to continue to work as best as we can to not add fuel to a society which is already saturated in the plethora of tragic consequences of framing our experiences through the lens of "us versus them." 

All this said, I find my friend John's words below powerful and true and worthy of sharing. — Molly

Our human biosphere cannot sustain without vaccination. It's not fear, it's a simple mechanism. A scientific fact.
It's like jumping into a pool. If I don't come up for air, I die. I don't fear the water, but I come up for air.
With the number of people we have in the world, and the concentrations of population, and the free and easy travel across great distances in minimal time, we have a pandemic playground. We will get more and more viruses.
It's not fear, It's certainty.
This rhetoric of "fear" is a straw man. I feel a responsibility to get vaccinated for everyone's sake.
If you have had bad reactions to vaccinations in the past, please sit it out. I'm happy to carry the weight for you, and millions of others are too.
But please, just because you've had reactions doesn't make it OK to make sweeping statements like it's overkill and unnecessary for others, in order to feel like you're justified. You're already justified.
And even more importantly, for others who have benefited from immunization programs and have not had bad reactions in the past, just because you've read scare and sneer pieces from conspiracy theorists doesn't give you license to shirk your responsibility to your community, your country, your world.
The probability of problems is small. But not nonexistent. For me, I'm willing to take that small chance. If I die, I will die with the comfort that I fulfilled my responsibility to keep life going in this great world we have.
John R. Haggis 

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