Monday, April 19, 2021

If You Bombard Humans With Nonstop Fear Messages

This image is certainly also a tragic reflection of the truth of Noam Chomsky’s words that Americans are "a massively propagandized people." And this doesn’t distinguish between any particular political party that one may identify with. 

A sure sign that I’ve humbly learned of our own vulnerability to brainwashing, ignorance, and illusions is anytime that we've become attached unquestioningly to those in positions of power and the belief that our side is always right and good and yours is always wrong and bad.

These attachments can blind us to the consciousness of greater truths, larger pictures, and the opportunity to evolve and grow and continue to expand our capacity for wisdom, truth, and love. What I've painfully discovered over the years of my own gradual awakening is that in the clinging to the righteousness of "our side" while dehumanizing the Other, we can lose touch with the awareness of the vital need to: 

  • dive deep in our own research in an ongoing way
  • cultivate discernment of which resources can be trusted and which can't 
  • learn how to follow the money, the integrity, and the truth
  • question what is true again and again 
  • let go of our attachments to any particular political party as being without its own dark underbelly
  • cultivate ever deepening humility, compassion, and understanding of ourselves and our planetary brothers and sisters
The propaganda of polarization and fear mongering never serves a higher good. Among my deepest prayers is that more and more of us will come to embody a profound and every expanding commitment to following the threads of truth wherever they may lead. May we increasingly shed that which does not serve us individually and collectively. 
The truth does indeed hold the potential 
to set us all free. — Molly

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