Friday, April 9, 2021


I am deeply grateful for my recent discovery of the work and heartfelt writings and wise voice of David Bedrick. This is so wise and true. Molly

Why Some Chronic Depressions, Low Self-Esteems, 
and Feelings of Unworthiness Persist 
I have born witness to it so many times - a client has worked on feeling 'down' by trying to lift themselves up over and over. This could be by positive affirmations, treating themselves more tenderly, finding spaces where they are listened to, or even changing what they feel are negative habits.
However, in the background, not fully conscious, is an inner dynamic that is mean spirited.
This mean spirited inner dynamic is most often an internalization of an outer story, from family or culture, where individuals or groups were abusive, oppressive, resentful, jealous, or just plain sadistic.
It is essential to highlight here that these internalized dynamics are so often fueled by cultural bigotries and oppression, for example anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, ableism, trans-hate and more.
How do these get addressed? Most often, these internalized oppressions are calling for empowerment of the individual and, of course, greater cultural awareness and changes at the societal level.
Why do I focus here on the individual's empowerment? Because these downing forces usually need to be met with powers of our own - power to resist, to assert, to set boundaries, and to be clear about people and forces that intend to do us harm.
David Bedrick

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