Friday, April 9, 2021

David Bedrick: Listening To the Voices Within

Wow! This is illuminating and so spot on. Working with and embracing what arises within ourselves, connecting with whatever we need to be supported in going deeper and deeper, and ultimately claiming the resilience and strengths and compassion and wisdom that we need to transform and channel our inner and outer experiences in ways which empower and heal is among the greatest and most important challenges and opportunities and experiences of our lifetimes. Molly

I'm angry: Underneath I might find an unmovable power, a fierce boundary waiting to be set, or a force they need to pursue a new direction.
I'm sad: Underneath, I might find a flowing river of letting go, a long held grief, or a path that has been waiting to be taken for too long.
I'm confused: I almost always find 2 opposing forces, one that is deeply true for them and one that is dismissive of that truth.
I'm depressed: I might find an internalized violence, racism or sexism, putting them down, de-pressing them or deep feelings and truths that can't reveal themselves when the person is addicted to being up and "doing."
I eat too much: I always find deeper unknown and unexplored hungers.
I'm stuck in long term patterns: I often find an earlier trauma or a belief system about themselves installed when they were quite young that profoundly misunderstands their nature and gift.
I have low self-esteem: I might find a huge inner critic bullying them and beating them up.
As a psychological activist, I take symptoms, issues, and difficulties as the beginning of an exploration into the shadow, into the depths, so I can listen to the unheard voices within.
David Bedrick

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