Sunday, January 3, 2021

Tara Brach: As We Enter the New Year

 From Tara Brach. 💜 Molly

Dear Ones,

As we enter the new year, may we leave behind whatever habits, beliefs and armoring no longer serve our hearts. And with the energy that is freed up, give ourselves more fully to living from love. With prayers for increasing peace, justice, compassion and wellbeing...for all beings. ~Tara 💕
A poem for the new year:
I intend to breathe my way through conflict,
To breathe my way through the great risks,
To breathe my way through the ebb and flow of grief,
To breathe my way through the muck and mire of life,
To breathe my way through dark disappointments.
I intend to be with my true self,
To listen for what is beneath the stillness,
To see the lingering pain of others,
To bow before the great teachers—children and nature,
To love all things more fully.
I intend to open my arms and my heart to the world,
Remembering that we belong to each other.
Dr. Joanne Cacciatore, Grieving is Loving: Compassionate Words for Bearing the Unbearable
Photo: Jon McRay

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